My self-esteem is blossoming.

Update: Flash was adopted on February 11th!

At the time of rescue Flash was horrendously matted and filthy.  We could not see his face because of the knots.  Only extremely severe neglect for at least an entire year could have resulted in such a condition.  (His previous owner, if found, would surely be subject to cruelty charges.)

Flash's transformation is going beautifully!  He has been groomed and neutered, his nails have been trimmed, he is eating nutritious premium food, bonding with people and dogs, and awakening to the realization that his future will be one full of love.

He is a Poodle & Schnauzer mix, approximately 3 years young, and he triumphantly debuts for adoption today.

Flash is understandably reserved, at least initially with new people, but his eyes are beginning to sparkle.

Please budget for regular professional grooming care and please be patient with him as he adjusts to living predominantly indoors as a cherished member of the family.  Most of all, let's only show him the best of human nature from now on.