Calculator v1.2 (with DM Trinket Costing)

Ok ok I admit, I only released half of my costing sheet because I felt the full thing would be too bit confusing. Here's the full shabang. I'll try to explain how I use it, just ask if you have any questions.

[Side note: I've also added a full stack version for those glyphers that like to work with full herb stack prices because I'm kinda getting the feeling I'm the only one who works with single herb pricing (choose the tab at the bottom: Single or Full Stack).]

Calculator v1.2 (DM trinket costing added)

To show you how to use this I am going to use the figures in Big Al's example. PS: I'm really scared this is going to be too confusing for many readers, but lets give it a go!

Al's numbers:
- 9 bf to 1 inferno ratio
- 46g whiptail stack cap (ie buy all below this cap)
- 10g volatile lifes

The intersecting point attempts to answer the question: if I buy whiptails at 46g and lifes at 10g, what is the raw material cost for a DM trinket? Answer: 4,700g. Remember 1 inferno can be bought with 10 BFs at the ink vendor, so the ratio does not affect the DM trinket costing part of the form. It also assumes you make a tonne of glyphs and end up with a tonne of infernos and therefore make a tonne of cards and therefore easily make DM decks/trinkets.

Beginners cross their fingers and hope they get a Two of Waves (or whatever they are missing). Professionals do the maths and normalize costings eg in wrath we knew transmute procs over mass transmutes equal extra 20% or 1.2 and we reverse calculate and discount our costing appropriately, where as noobs go ZOMG i got 5 red gems instead of 1!