Goals and Planning

Critical would like to start his fantastic blog career with two well known but often ignored pearls of wisdom.

1. Set a goal
Only have 10k at the moment? Set a goal of 100k. Without a goal you are a hobo surviving on scraps in trash bins. Achievers achieve because they set goals. Now if you are like Foo Critical ceases here to be of service. On the other hand if you want to spank the glyph market hard, stick around.

2. Plan
When you want to have a holiday in Vegas what do you do? You start thinking about:
- flights
- accommodation
- money
- applying for leave
- clothes
- etc

As they say, failure to plan is planning to fail. You do not need to do a 20 step 2-year plan. Start off simple by always thinking: what else could I do better to get closer to my goal? 

Critical homework: ask yourself, if you had unlimited resources (time and money) how would you make glyphs/gems/belt buckles more profitable? Think of all solutions no matter how unfeasible/unreasonable. Step 2, now scale back and keep scaling back until its feasible/reasonable. There you go, instant plan!

Same time same place... Critical out.