Why Inscription?

The real question is, why not? Ok enough commenting on other blogs and back to business.

There are 4 profit centers for the Inscription profession (ignoring intermediary mats):

1. Glyphs
2. Mysterious fortune cards
3. Crafted trinkets
4. Darkmoon faire (hand-in) trinkets

Inscription is a unique profession where its profit centers are independent of all other crafting professions, meaning firstly they dont need support professions secondly they cannot be improved by other professions. A few examples:
- JC needs alch and vice versa (for meta/rare transmutes)
- BS needs mining
- Eng needs mining
- Tailoring needs enchanting
- Enchanting needs BS/JC/LW
- JC is improved by enchanting

Inscription is a completely standalone profession. I think LW might be too because lw armor and leg patches only use lw mats however this is purely an educated guess.

As you can probably guess, glyphs is the most important one to master. With 344 different glyphs it is also one of the hardest to learn. But Critical is here to hold your hand on your journey to being a Glyph Master.

Stay tuned for more Back to Basics.

PS: Just like Critical said here, here and here, epic gems wont come from pyrite and will actually drop in raids! Yay 1 internet point for Critical! Weeeee!