$10 or a Business

For someone who can sometimes be a jerk when commenting on blog's, Critical surprisingly gets great comments.

Thanks I3ig Al for explaining about Cold's blog. Now to answer your question in a semi-generic way directed at all Critical Readers, if you saw $10 on the street would you pick it up? Unless you are Bill Gates and rake in $100 picking your nose for 3 seconds, Critical advises you to spent those 3 seconds and pick up the free money because it helps achieve your Real Life goal which is to increase wealth.

What Critical wants to convey however is, you should not be walking around with your head down searching for a dollar here and there and hope to get lucky with someone dropping a $100 bill. Critical advises establishing a goal, create a rough plan to start you in the right direction towards that goal and develop a business that generates income.

Now ... lets assume that your goal is to collect an obscene amount of gold, and buying pre-cata herbs helps you achieve this goal. You definitely should not stop just because Critical said so. In fact if your Buyer is as good as my Buyer at snatching cata herbs AND your guy also buys cheap alternate herbs, your Buyer wins.

I probably should have a warning somewhere that Critical exaggerates often to emphasize a point and his advice should not be taken literally. They are meant to make you think, not have done the thinking for you.

Thanks Reader Al and other faithful Readers. You complete me.