5,000 Whiptails

This has been bugging Critical for ages. Today we are going to squash 5,000 whiptails and prove Belzebutinov's figures (circled in red) are wrong.

Obviously bag space is a limitation so had to do it in 3 separate sessions but lets have a look:

Results: 5,000 whiptails = 3,015 ashen pigments + 533 burning embers

This confirms for each mill action:
5w = 3ap + 0.5be
(not Belzebut's: 5w = 3ap + 1be)

Or for single whiptails/twilight jasmines:
w = 0.6ap + 0.1be
w = 0.3b + 0.05i   <<< simplest raw relationship between whiptails, bf inks and infernos

Kath's comment is a prime example of someone just using their reputation/purple-status to "prove" they are right. Critical loathes lazy commenters. I can understand Belzebutinov accidentally making a small mistake dealing with that whole page of data but Kath just swooped in without knowing/checking and said the figures were right. Bad Kath. Obviously if I have made an error as well, its a long fall from my high horse ... /shrug you tell me if Critical's wrong.

Can someone else snatch up 5,000 cinderblooms (or stormvines). Critical's mouse scrolling finger is sore =/