Casual Goblin Experiment - Conclusion

What's the best way to see how a competitor runs their business? Get a job there of course! I'll be honest, the Casual Goblin Experiment was meant to be a filler, for those blank idea days. But you guys have been great at giving fantastic post ideas that I have never had to use this plan B.

The purpose of this experiment was to see the glyph business from Critical's competitors' Casual Glypher eyes, characterised by:
- 1cp undercuts
- 1 per glyph
- post around once or twice a day
- in the weekends if have time, do the relist dance with other campers

Anyway, experiment started on 1 October and as of 31 October it has been exactly one month and its time to end the experiment and draw some short conclusions. On 1 November I pulled down all glyphs from the AH, recrafted all glyphs back up to 20 (to make inventory match starting stock for comparison purposes).

Unfortunately I auto-sent burning embers to mr lucky sod. I shouldve kept them at least for record's sake then sent them all after taking a snapshot. The best I can do is estimate, see below for some really nasty estimation calculations.

(mysales data here if you really want to see exactly what sold)

Inferno estimation calculation:
2,063 glyphs sold = 6,189 BF used
6,189 + 1,332 BF leftover = 7,521 BF total

Using yesterday's equation:
w = 0.3b + 0.05i
We can then assume the ratio that 3 blackfallows is always accompanied by 0.5 infernos when milling whiptails.

7,521 / 3 x 0.5 = 1,253.5 infernos.




- quite good income for a month's casual work posting around once on weekdays and maybe around 5-10 times on weekends
- only had to recraft maybe twice during that whole month because I started with full stacks of 20
- cash in hand 98k
- 1,332 bf inks x 11g (TUJ mean price) = 14.6k
- 1,253 infernos x 29g (TUJ mean price) = 36.3k
- everyone played nice, nobody crashed the price (that I know of)
- TOTAL (estimated) profit of 148.9k for 1 month's really simple work

A simple experiment, only needed a full set of glyphs on 2 posting chars and no gold. Maybe Mox and Brent and other Non Critical Fans are right. Play nice is best until a crasher comes in then BAM CRITICAL WALLS FOR J00!

Not bad income eh =). The interesting question is whether Critical strats which aim to totally crush competition, can result in more profit. Only one way to find out!!!! (sorry Sapu!)