Critical's War - Weekend Plan

Remember the 24g wall (of course you do it was only 6 hours ago!). As with my Critical War updates, that one was also time delayed approx 1 day.

Today Critical is going to do something different. He is going to tell you his plan BEFORE he executes. Did that make your eyes open? Get your pen and take notes, Critical is only gonna say this once (dont worry I wont remove this post I'm just kidding).

Ok so if you been keeping up to date and read the 24g wall post you will see Critical taking what looks like a defensive stance ie setting a non-threatening 24g wall. Critical is not driving prices down and chasing cutthroat sales (an aggressive stance). Most glyphers will see my 24g wall as a defensive plan. What they dont realize is, Critical is setting the stage for a nasty psychological attack.

Let Mentor Critical ask you the pro-glypher a question. On which days of the week have the most fiercest and aggressive undercutting? If you sell a million billion glyphs (or any other item for that matter), you know its weekends.

So for the next few weekdays Critical is going to maintain that wall around 23g to 25g and let the glyphers brawl underneath. The weaker ones will start to question GPH as I prescribed in the 24g wall post, because they're now fighting hard for crusty profits.

Then just before we hit the weekend, Critical is going to drop that floor and reduce profit margins again. Coupled with other nasty undercutters sitting at their PC all day, its going to suck selling glyphs.

Dont say Critical didnt warn you.

Hopefully I can convince everyone to stop listing glyphs, claim my title as King of Glyphs and end this experiment early. Only in Critical's dream, /sigh. That would be a nice title: Critical, King of Glyphs achievement earnt by crafting and selling a billion glyphs.