GrayzBDF's Goal Post

Like many other readers and authors, Critical loves scouring the internet for interesting blogs. When you find a good one its a special feeling. You are part a small group who have stumbled upon a treasure trove that you and few others know about.

GrayzBDF seems to have discontinued his blog but skimming through some of his older posts, this is what made Critical get a strange tingly feeling and go, ZOMG SOMEONE ELSE EXACTLY GETS IT!

People can say what they want with whichever arguments they have, but it's simple; I choose a goal, learn what I need to get there and do it. Every single time that I choose a goal and shoot for it, I reach it, without fail. It's all just a matter of how long it takes to reach the goal, if you do the same things that other succesful people do. You can't fail if you're on a successful path. And success is simply "the realization of a worthy ideal" -Earl Nightingale. Brian Tracy would argue that you can reach any goal, "within reason", which may hold true, but most of the time human beings hold themselves back more than they push forward, so I simplify it and say if you can imagine it, you can do it.

PS: Grayz I like your writing style. I myself have 98% quit wow, no raiding, no pvp not even playing the AH (only maintain a sub to run experiments and take screenshots). If you have been playing since Vanilla and hit both caps I am sure you have a stupidly, ridiculous wealth of gold making knowledge. Have you considered blogging about how you AH and the theory behind your processes (or used to if you have quit).

I think if you did shorter, more succinct posts, that as a side benefit take less time than big ones, you would have great success. This is because it is rare to find an author that has years of experience/success, good writing skills and no real reason to withhold good/quality information (because you are not worried about tough competition).

For example this post could have been broken up into 10 smaller posts released 1 by 1. Its not about trying to stretch content and increase blog life. Its about making it easier for yourself because you're not spending heaps of time doing big posts, and its also easier for readers because shorter posts can be skimmed when readers have a spare minute and then mentally digested during routine tasks/work that dont require brainpower.

PPS: I like how you refer to yourself in the 3rd person. I thought I was the pioneer! I guess I was not.