How-To Focus Fire a Competitor

(See Bolded header below for the actual How-To if you want to skip the intro)

The War updates actually take up more time that I thought they would. This How-To guide describes how to focus fire on one competitor, in this example it's Hottempered:

Why focus fire Hottempered you ask? Have a look at her TUJ. See the pattern? (look at the red circles duh). Critical can think of two possible reasons for her having and selling 5 per glyph:
1. her restock level is 5
2. these are glyphs crafted during a inscription levelling process (because you need to make 5 of one to gain access to the next recipe)

When is the best time to "convince" a scribe to give up their market share? Before they even start glyphing of course. How? Create Barriers to Entry and Anti-Competitive practices. For glyphs one bully tactic is deny majority of sales.

This leads us back to Hottempered. Critical has already installed a 21g wall in place to block most of her sales, now we are going to block the rest that have not been. This will shutdown between 95-99% of her sales which will hopefully portray glyphs (to her) as a bad GPH market (which is obviously good for Critical).

Focus Fire definition: To target a single individual and undercut only their auctions.

The TSM settings to Focus Fire a competitor is as follows:
- wall size depends on the price point. 4 glyph wall if price is low eg 15g, 2 glyph wall if medium or high price
- undercut by 1cp
- threshold 1,000g
- fallback 1,000g
- advance/reset set to Do not post
- go to Options > Blacklist > Add Player Name then add Hottempered

- click Auction Post button and watch the scans, do not click Post immediately
- click Show Auctions and check that you are posting/undercutting only the Target (still dont click Post yet)
- look at your target's Buyout price and make a decision whether to Post or Skip
- if the price point is low ie 5g then click Skip, let them sell it for peanuts
- if the price point is at a price you want to block eg 20g then click Post

TSM settings for focus fire.

Add target to blacklist.

Warning: remember to remove target from Blacklist after finishing your Focus Fire.

And there you have it! Insta block for one target. Yes you can call it bullying if you want to, no Critical does not lose sleep. He sleeps very well actually thank you for asking. Remember, this person has no qualms undercutting me and everyone else by 1cp all day long if they could...

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