Bad 28 Glyphs of all Time!

Ok Critical Readers (yes Azz this is for you), Critical spent a WHOLE SUNDAY AFTERNOON learning how to do pivot tables in excel to bring you this info so you better click this page 100 times and boost my page count.

Background info:
- Critical started selling glyphs around the end of May using 3 selling alts with 32 slot bags
- 3 alts x full bags means I could sell all glyphs, no discrimination
- I had all glyph recipes before starting
- All glyphs were treated the same, ie zero pricing difference between all glyphs (whether minor/major/prime, or popular or not). When I altered pricing, it altered for all glyphs
- At the end of September that was around the time I switched to 2 alts x 36 slot bags, and chose 28 glyphs to cut out from my glyph groups.

The above are total sales figures for each glyph and I believe is a true, completely unbiased representation of the worse 28 glyphs. I stocked and maintained a full stack of 20 Voidwalkers and literally made zero sales. The same with Soulstone, over those 4 months only sold a grand total of 61g. This is because I never looked at the profitability of single glyphs, trying to figure out which are "good" ones and which are "bad" ones. Time and energy was always spent focusing on building a better team: buying/making/selling.

I'll be honest, the 28 I originally informally chose to cut when switching to 2 alts at the end of September, dont all match the above. Some do, but quite a few I chose are actually better sellers that those 28 above. Not by much so its not a big deal but doing this data analysis has been a real eye opener.

Plus I finally learnt how to use pivot tables! Yea baby!