Critical's Apology

There is no way that you can outrage an entire community and not be wrong. Hence upon hours of reflection please find below final closing remarks relating to my last post.

In response to Apple Cider's comments, firstly I would like to thank you for the polite and rational way you commented on here on the very first day, and secondly thank you for taking the time to respond to Nick's questions in depth. I would like to offer a public apology to you and your readers. Your comments are correct and the comments of mine that you highlighted, yes were not well thought out. I am not a rape victim and have/had no right to make those statements. It is not appropriate to delete said comments as if they were never written hence this retraction and apology. I hope you accept.

To the sponsors and supporters of White Ribbon and the Wow White Ribbon team: it was not my intention to make light of this worthy cause. For stealing limelight from the hard work you have put into pulling it off I apologize. That was not my intention at all and I hope you will accept my sincere apology.

To the real person behind Alyzande: It may be too little too late and not welcome, but I do wish you well and a speedy recovery.

To my Critical Fans, I appreciate your small notes of support. I know how hard it was to post those in the presence of an angry mob. I bounced between "screw this, this isnt fun" and the opposite many times during the last few days. Without your support this would have become a very quiet and dead blog.

Lastly thank you Reader for reading. Whoever/whichever group you are.