Critical's War (Day 5)

Day 5 of Critical's War on Terror

Load up Discretetime's auctions and have a peek
in his shop.

Quick cuppa while afk opening mail.

Sorry Xorvy

Hmmmm a few more serious glyphers flushed out.
[Yes the status scan doesnt really show that they are serious,
these are just my old mates =)]

1. Lowered floor by 1g to see what boltage will do.
2. Raised ceiling, too many glyphers buying mine and resetting.

Post 500 x 2 alts.

Saps why is your name blue??
Total is for 4 days of sales.

Send income over to Buyer.

Buy medium priced herbs = /

Hmmmm some naughty glyphers have bought
my stock for resetting!

Didnt have enough bf inks last time i crafted and Auto-Buy
didnt buy any Ink of the Seas. So this time manually buy and
make sure to craft those glyphs first.

Grab the bought herbs and squash!!!

Time for bed, AFK ink time!

Doh cant sleep with all those glyphs needing to be crafted!